Guidance for yin certification/organized study

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Guidance for yin certification/organized study

Post by Bernie »

I recently received the following email:

  • I've been teaching yoga since my certification (vinyasa 200 hours) back in 2002. I'm through w power and heated classes and ready for something different. I've fallen in love w yin and want to study it actively now. I'm traveling & blogging on the road for the next 53 weeks with a Broadway show and am in a different city every week or two. Is there any type of correspondence yin certification/training you might be able to suggest? Due to the constant travel I'm seeking something where I could work independently but with support of a yin teacher. Thank you in advance and namaste :-) ps I am currently reading YinSights and a yin book by ulrica Norberg. But I'd like some guidance and support on my path. I'm eager to learn a new modality and I'm so inspired & excited!

Welcome to the yin-side! But, I hope you don’t completely drop all your yang practice --- life needs balance. Yes, you may have gotten too yang with too much power and hot yoga, but going all the way to the other extreme may not work for you either. A bit of both in whatever measure you body requires is best.

As to your question: I am not aware of any online or correspondence Yin Yoga trainings available. Reading, watching videos, taking classes whenever you can wherever you are, workshops, and checking out other yin resources may be your only recourse. I have added links to where you might find some of these. If others out there in the yin-verse know of other options, I hope they will speak up!

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Post by Amgiambanco »

Thank you so much for your reply. As I mentioned I'm traveling and in a different city each 1-2 weeks I'll definitely use the info you mentioned and will continue the yang side of things.

The constant travel is wearing me out and too much yang needs some yin now more than ever!

If anyone out there knows of anything else I'm open to all advice. I'd love to have the support of a live teacher talking me through this journey as I study yin alone out here. Thank you and have a great day.
Anna Maria G.
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Distance Yin

Post by Bernie »

I wanted to respond to the person inquiring about online / distance learning Yin teacher trainings. I just received my Yin teacher certification from Aura Wellness Center in Massachusetts. In fact, [Bernie's] book was one or our many texts. I needed distance learning because I am also a full time piano teacher and could not afford to take the time off to go onsite. I did combine my online education with several onsite workshops closer to my home, as well as I typically drop into Yin classes when I travel out of state. I feel I have gotten a very thorough and complete Yin education, and have already started teaching classes. I'm very gratified by the positive feedback I'm receiving for this type of yoga. People seem to REALLY love and need it.

Just wanted to pass the word along that there is what I believe to be professional, thorough, and top notch online training for Yin certification.


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Post by Amgiambanco »

Thanks so much Lisa! I'm looking into their offerings. My main concerns are having an actual mentor, some one who will speak to me/email guidance along the journey. I could buy every yin book out there and read them alone, but seeking guidance as I travel. I will not be living home in one place for probably another year - year and a half. Remote study seems like the best route. Are the Aura people specialized at all in Yin? They offer many teacher training products, but I'm really looking for someone who is Yin specific to help support me on my path. Sounds like you had a lovely experience with them thanks for everything this forum is great! :) :)
Anna Maria G.
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Post by tonyab67 »

I just started the Aura Wellness Yin certification about a month ago and so far, I love it! I am currently a massage therapist and instructor and own my own studio. I found Yin Yoga on Gaiam and fell in love! I found so many similarities between the principles of Yin Yoga and the way I perform and teach massage. I really wanted to add the ability to teach Yin Yoga to my offerings to my clients (as well as deepen my understanding and practice). The most challenging part of the class for me is writing the papers! It's been over 20 years since I've had to write one. Glad to know of someone else who has been through this course. As for mentoring, Paul Gerard is very accessible and helpful. I've had a few questions so far, and he is very prompt in responding.
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