new teacher listing

If you would like us to add your name to the list of Yin Yoga teachers, send us a post including the following information:

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Email address;
Studio name and web address where
you are offering Yin Yoga classes;
A short bio or description of your Yin Yoga teaching (~100 words);
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Posts: 7
Joined: Sun Oct 09, 2011 8:18 am
Location: Sierra Madre, CA

new teacher listing

Post by addie »


I would love to be included on the list of Yin Yoga teachers. Thanks!!!

Addie deHilster
Pasadena/Sierra Madre, California, USA

studio: Sierra Madre Village Yoga Center

Addie deHilster started doing yoga in 1998 when she was a highly stressed-out college music major. She fell in love with yoga immediately, as she felt the tension in her body begin to melt away as if by magic.

Addie is a Yoga Alliance registered teacher, RYT-200. She received her 200-hour Yoga Teaching Certification from Karuna Yoga, in addition to completing a 30-hour training in Kids Yoga, both under the mentorship of Kelly Wood. She completed an additional 50-hour intensive training in Yin Yoga with Bernie Clark at Semperviva Yoga College in Vancouver, BC, Canada. She currently teaches Hatha Flow, Yin Yoga, Yin/Yang fusion classes, and playful Kids Yoga classes.

Addie's classes emphasize present moment awareness, and are influenced by her ongoing practice of Insight Meditation (Vipassana). She is currently teaching at the Sierra Madre Village Yoga Center and offers private yoga sessions in the LA area.

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