Forward Neck - Please Help

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Forward Neck - Please Help

Post by JnewBuild »

Hello all,

My posture is not good at all, and my neck seams like it is diagonal coming forward.

What can I do to adjust this and have a very good posture?

Thanks in advance.
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When seeking advice

Post by Bernie »

Hi - I see you have asked for some advice for both your neck and, in another post, for your knees. As is often the case, because it is quick and easy to ask for advice over the internet and in forums, people often fail to give sufficient background to allow a considered response. You don't really describe your neck issues nor your hips (other than saying "they are tight") so we don't have too much to go on for helping you. Can you please give us more background? I am very hesitant to offer advice blindly because, even with best intentions to help, without knowing more about you and the cause of your conditions, we could end up doing you harm. Here are some of the questions you can answer that will help us help you:
  • What are the symptoms/problems you want addressed?
    How long have you had these symptoms/problems?
    Do you know what caused the problem in the first place?
    What makes the pain or disability worse?
    Have you seen a doctor or a physiotherapist?
    If so, what have they suggested?
    What is your general health background?
    How much yoga have you done?
    What is your occupation?
    How active is your lifestyle (other sports, etc.)?
    How is your diet?
If you can provide your background, maybe we can offer you some suggestions. In the meantime, have you read the other posts from people who also complained of "tight hips" and neck issues? There are lots you can choose from, like this post.

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Post by JnewBuild »

Thanks for your reply.

Answers to your questions:

1 - When sitting with my feet touching each other, bent at the knees in a diamond shape (I'm not sure what this pose is called) my knees are very high off the floor. It feels painful to try open them up for the lotus position.
My neck is almost 45 degrees going forward. it gives me a lot of pain and clicks a lot when I move it around.
2 - I'm not sure how long they have been like this, I only noticed when I became interested in yoga and realised how tight they were.
3 - For my hips - I don't know what caused it, probably lack of stretching over years they have become like this.
For my neck - I would say sitting at a desk leaning forward and reading in bed.
4 - Nothing I do makes the problem any worse. I only notice my hips when trying to stretch. My neck just becomes stiff and tight when sitting for long periods of time.
5 - I've seen a doctor and physiotherapist, while there is no damage or problem, they gave me a few exercises to do which haven't had any effect.
6 - My health is generally good, no other problems.
7 - I've been trying to do yoga for about 2 months.
8 - I have no job
9 - I go to the gym two times a week, so I am fairly active.
10 - I eat healthily.

Hopefully you can give me some advise based on this information.
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Can Yin Yoga help with tight hips and forward head position?

Post by Bernie »

Thanks for explaining your situation in greater detail. I will see if we can help you investigate what might be causing your situation. The first thing to understand is the two possible causes for restrictions in range of motion: tension and compression.

This is your journey - I can only act as a guide to help you come to your own understanding. As a guide, I would recommend you learn the vital differences between restrictions to your range of motion caused by tension (a feeling of stretching) and when it is caused by compression (a feeling of stuckness.) Please read this chapter in YinSights on the Limits to Flexibility. You will learn how to distinguish between these two limiting factors. Know that, if you are experiencing tension, you have further to go and over time, your yoga practice will help you extend your range of motion. However, if you have reached the point of compression, your journey is over for that joint in that direction. This does not mean that you shouldn't stress that area, it simply means don't try to go further than that because you may risk injury.

When you understand these two critical concepts, we can next start to delve into the areas of the body you are targeting. Let's keep this simple at first and just look at one area: your hips. I will invite you to read this post about someone else who also has extremely tight hips. There is a lot here for you to digest. Please read it a few times so that you understand it clearly.

Once you have done all this homework, let us know what you think is stopping you in the seated poses like Butterfly (which I suspect is the pose you were describing in your first point). Do you think it is tension or compression? Once you have answered that question, let's re-connect and chat some more.

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Post by YuangYoga »

Just learned something new, thanks for the info and in depth reply! =D
You are what you eat!
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