golden seed

Check this forum for suggestions on Yin Yoga flows, sequences and postures, as well as HOW to practice Yin Yoga.
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golden seed

Post by caryn »

does anybody know if the Yang sequence Golden Seed is in text form? I have found a video of Bernie going through the motions and talking through it, but it goes too fast for me to grasp. It would be very helpful for me to be able to read it, too. Thanks!
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The Golden Seed

Post by Bernie »

I normally don't talk about Yang flows here (because this is the web site for all things Yin) but since there is no other forum for it, I will provide you a description of the flow. But first the credit! This flow was developed by Paul and Suzee Grilley and can be found on their Yin Yoga DVD, which everyone should have! :) You can also view the Golden Seed at My Yoga Online. It is a wonderful wake up flow and alternative to doing Sun Salutations. I hope you fall in love with it.


The Golden Seed
Each breath is a movement
Move with awareness of the energy flowing through you (feel your palms all the time.)
  • Stand with feet about 3 feet apart, toes pointed slightly outward, arms at your side
    Inhale as you circle the arms up over your head
    Exhale as you push your palms to the sides of the room, arms strong and straight, turning your feet out and draw the knees back so that they point over the toes
    Inhale as you hold this Goddess position
    Exhale as you straighten your legs and square up your feet and fold, bringing hands to the floor. (This is called the "elephant lays his trunk on the ground.") Place your right palm on the floor so that the fingers face the left foot, and turn your right foot out at a 45 degree angle
    Inhale as you twist to the left and raise your left hand up to the sky
    Exhale as you switch sides: place your left palm on the floor so that the fingers face the right foot, and turn your left foot out at a 45 degree angle
    Inhale as you twist to the right and raise your right hand up to the sky
    Exhale as you bring both hands to the earth, turns the palms up, finger tips touching, and squat down so that your hips are the same height off the floor as your shoulders
    Inhale as you stand up, straighten the legs and draw your hands up to the heart level, keeping the palms facing up and fingertips touching
    Exhale as you squat down, keeping fingertips together turn the palms to face the sky, and push your hands high above you, arms straightening
    Inhale straighten your legs standing tall with the arms still over your head
    Exhale as you fold into the Dipping Bird: head down to the earth but arms up in the air behind your back like wings.
    Inhale to the Rocking Horse: squat down but bring your arms up in front of you, elbows bent, wrists relaxed, as if you were holding the reins of a horse
    Exhale as you fold into the Dipping Bird: head down to the earth but arms up in the air behind your back like wings.
    Inhale as you stand up, knees soft (bent a little), arms rising up in front of you, also soft, wrists relaxed, until the legs are straight and arms over your head
    Exhale as you fold your wings: bring your hands to the heart centre
    Pause for one full breath and begin again.
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Post by jellybean679 »

Thank you very much for this Bernie!
I just taught The Golden Seed to a group of women in a correctional centre tonight and they enjoyed it so much they requested a printed copy so they can do it on their own. Yay! I'm very grateful that I don't have to type it all out myself. :D
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Re: golden seed

Post by VictoriaGarino »

Hi Everyone!!
About this secuence... so... we can introduce it at the end of a yin practice? or we should use it only in yang practices...?

Thank you!! <3
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Re: golden seed

Post by Bernie »

Certainly. I will sometimes offer the Golden Seed at the end of a long yin session that was targeting the hips. After spending 90 minutes of pulling the hips apart, it is nice to do some work to pull them together again and strengthen them. Or, if you are teaching a yin/yang fusion class, the Golden Seed may be lovely.

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