Hi everyone,
I was wondering if anyone can help with this. I am 6 months pregnant and I am still doing a very varied yin yoga practice every day, helped by the fact that I only have a small bump and I am very flexible.
My favourite pose is snail. I get very tense between my shoulders (it's where I accumulate stress), so snail is a great way for me to stretch out all of that tension.
Before getting pregnant I used to spend 7-8 minutes in the pose, and my hyper flexibility allowed me to put my knees on the floor behind the head. It was heaven .
Now I spend 4 minutes in snail, and obviously my bump gets in the way so I can't go as far as before, but it's still an enormously satisfying pose for me.
The question is, do you think it's harmful for baby to be put upside down and a bit compressed (although I am very careful not to compress to the point of uneasiness), for 4 minutes a day?
What alternative pose do I have to work on the same area (considering that I need a "hyper stretch" for it to really work due to my hyper flexibility?
And along the same lines, are inversions of this kind (snail, dangle etc), ok during pregnancy? Could they turn the baby breech if he is already head down?
Thank you!!
Roberta XX