Is Yin Yoga safe for Deep Vein Thrombosis?

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Is Yin Yoga safe for Deep Vein Thrombosis?

Post by Bernie »

I recently received this question
  • Hello Bernie,

    Firstly thank you for your books and websites and your wealth of information shared. I am writing to ask your thoughts of yin yoga practice with a deep vein thrombosis - clot in the upper inner thigh. Doctors say there is no risk of dislodging. However with the energy work and poses like happy baby or snail is there concern? Would love to hear your thoughts.

    Warmly P
I am glad you are enjoying this website and finding value in it. As you know, Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT) is the term given to a blood clot that forms in the lower body. Usually, there is no pain from such a clot, but sometimes the clot can block the vein and cause swelling and considerable pain, so much so that movement is uncomfortable. The affected area may swell up, become hot, turn red and be very painful, weak and tired. These clots can also occur in the upper body (the arms) but that is very rare, and usually only happens in younger athletes. There are several potential causes of DVT including immobilization: such as sitting in an airplane seat on a long flight with no movement. Yoga generally helps to prevent clots because of the constant movement involved and the stress and release of tension in the musculature of the legs and arms. However, once you have a DVT, then your doctor is the best person to prescribe for you what to do or not do. He may prescribe nothing, blood thinners, special drugs to dissolve the clot, or in extreme cases, surgery. Usually the body will dissolve the clot on its own in a few weeks.

People with DVT that do not require surgery can move around. After the first few days, the risk of the clot dislodging are slim. After 4 weeks or so, the body either dissolves the clot or creates scar tissue over the clot which locks it down. There was a study done that showed no difference in recovery rates for people with DVT from being immobile or moving. This is probably why your doctor suggest it was okay for you to do your normal yoga practice. I don't know you or your background so I would not dispute your doctor's findings. I believe he is probably correct: it should be safe for you to do your normal Yin Yoga practice. I don't believe the energy work will dislodge the clot. I would not suggest you start to do new, more vigorous exercises right now - just keep doing what you have done until the clot has resolved.

Of course, as always, you have to take responsibility for your health and your practice. Pay close attention to how you feel before, during and after your yoga practice, and in the following hours/day. If you feel this is okay, keep going. If you feel something is just not right, check back with your doctor.

Good luck!
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