left nostril breathing outside of pranayama

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left nostril breathing outside of pranayama

Post by megusto »

would i gain any benefit from blocking my right nostril and breathing just through the left for a period of time during the day?
ive read that the left nostril stimulates the parasympathetic nervous system and calms the brain/body.
i cant practice pranayama at the moment so im hoping that maybe i will get some benefit from this?
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Left nostril breathing

Post by Bernie »

It would be an interesting experiment: the theory is that breathing through the left nostril (the ida nadi=lunar, feminine, yin energy) will calm the sympathetic nervous system and activate the parasympathetic nervous system, but is it the reality for you? Try it and see: let us know how it goes.

But, as with all things, don't go overboard - there is a reason the body switches nostrils every 90 minutes or so. We don't want to go too far one direction or another. Try it, see what happens, but don't do it all the time. Leave the right side open sometimes too.

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