Emotional release during a Yin Yoga practice

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Emotional release during a Yin Yoga practice

Post by Bernie »

I recently received the following question:
  • My wife and I practice yoga every morning (me about 8 for about months, my wife much longer). We rely on GiamaTV and find your sessions to be first rate. Ever since I started practicing, I find that I start to cry for no discernible reason. Almost every practice. This is especially true with yin sessions that focus on the hips.

    Curious about this, I asked an instructor we work with from time to time if he had any insight. He recommended I read a couple of books, which I did, but I still don't fully understand what's going on here. While I feel good after this emotional release, I'd like to know what causes it. Do you have any insight or resources you might point me to?

    Your GiaimTV sessions are inspiring, especially your yin practices. I often say to my wife, let's practice yin with Bernie this morning. A great way to start the day.

Hi David

I am happy that you are enjoying your journey to the Yin side. You are not alone in feeling great emotional releases in your practice. A while back I wrote an article entitled Issues in our Tissues. I would like to refer you to this. Also, there is an interesting thread on this topic in the Forum where many other students share their emotional experience in Yin Yoga. Perhaps you can read them as well, and then let us know what you think?

You are seeking the cause of your emotional release, and I can only speculate. The body is not a machine with a direct cause--> effect relationship. We are far too complicated to have a simple model like that. Instead, you will have to circle in on the causes, testing various ideas and sensations and see what makes sense to you. Start off by knowing that our emotions are embodied: they are there inside your tissues. Notice if you resist feeling emotions during the rest of your day: according to Carl Jung, what we resist persists - if you deny emotions all day long, that takes effort and energy: when you come into your yoga practice you are letting down your guard and it may not be surprising that the repressed feelings come bubbling up.

Hopefully you can find some guidance in the above article or thread. One other link is to my article on the Scientific Basis of Yin Yoga. Maybe there will be some clues for you there.

Good luck
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