Chakra meditation

This section discusses the energetic aspects of Yin Yoga and its Daoist heritage
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Chakra meditation

Post by mam5262 »

Bernie, I am reading your book-Yinsights-and in it you seem to be very cautioning about Chakra meditation. I have Paul Grilley's Yin yoga DVD and his DVD about Chakra meditation. I have watched the Chakra DVD teaching twice and feel like I need to begin this type of meditation.

BUT-I do have some trepidations about it after reading your book, and other cautions on various websites about the dangers of Chakra meditation.

Some background about me:

I am 55 years old, an open-minded Christian, and am doing Yoga, both Yin and Yang, 4+ times a week. I am also a person who prays and reads
the Bible daily.

Can you give me any advice about this? I appreciate your help and your wisdom.

Thank you!!

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How to proceed with a Chakra meditation practice

Post by Bernie »

You are correct that I urge caution before rushing into meditation on our chakras or practicing pranayama. Undesirable side-effects can develop if the practice is not done correctly. Ideally, you would want to find a local teacher who can get to know you and guide your practice. However, if that is not possible you may want to learn a bit more before starting on your own.

Paul's DVD is a great resource. I would encourage you to also obtain Dr Motoyama's book, Awakening of the Chakras and Emancipation. In this book, Dr Motoyama explains what happening during your practice, how to practice and what to be aware of. For example, Dr M states that the ajna, svadhistana and muladhara are the most important ones to work with first. Before you begin each session, you may want to do 8 cycles of Nadi Shodana, to balance your energies. []

To start a practice, go slow. Paul offers some simple meditations that should be safe: the practice of Hamsa (or So'ham) chanting while you bring your awareness to the chakras. Try this for a few months and see how it goes. Pay close attention! Not just when you do the practice, but during the day too. Notice what is changing, if anything. This can be the start.

If you feel that the practice is causing you problems, you may be able to find someone close by to help you by checking with Spiritual Emergence Service at (for Canadians) or (for Americans)

I hope this helps.
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what are you talking about?

Post by AlexBoo »

Can anyone explain what kind of undesirable side effects we're talking about here exactly?

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Undesirable Side-effects of Pranayama and Chakra meditation

Post by Bernie »

In Dr. Motoyama's book (Awakening of the Chakras and Emancipation) he talks about how important it is to awaken the chakras in a particular order: Start with the muladhara and ajna, then the svadhistana before the others. He talks about the danger in prematurely openings the svadhistana; "Awakening of the svadhistana chakra can result in intense unconscious desires and activities, as well as instinctual behaviors, and may lead to mental instability."

Other authors also talk about the dangers of improper pranayama practice. For example, David Coulter in his book "Anatomy of Hatha Yoga" describes how the breath affects the balance of carbon dioxide and oxygen in our blood and this controls the PH levels. Upsetting that balance can make the blood too alkaline (or too acidic), causing problems. Coulter summarizes, "teachers report that quirkiness of any sort gets accentuated in students who go too far... it seems to accentuate whatever is in the mind, whether it be benevolence or malevolence, harmony or disharmony, virtue or vice."

So ... the point is ... be careful playing with these practices on your own.
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Post by syed20 »

BUT-I do have some trepidations about it after reading your book, and other cautions on various websites about the dangers of Chakra meditation.
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