- Hello Mr Clark - I've been following your yinyoga program for some months now and it has vastly improved my flexibility. I am wondering if you may tell me if someone with fluid in their knee following surgery could expect a decrease of fluid? Or better yet, could someone who follows the yin yoga program have fluid go away if their knee was swollen?
Background info my knee has some excess synovial fluid, a doctor told me an aspiration would not benefit me at this point (I've received 2 already) so I am wondering if I take a natural approach using my body could I realistically expect the fluid to go away? If you need more info please let me know. I appreciate your time
Thank you - Natalie
First and foremost, I am not a doctor. I am not even a therapist, so I can't offer medical advice. My first question would be what does your doctor say? If she says aspiration won't work, fair enough. What will work, in her opinion?
I have had some knee issues in the past (which you can read about here, and I did experience some post-ops swelling. Your chronic swelling sounds a bit different than my acute inflammation, but I do wonder if some of the things I tried would work for you. While I can't prescribe anything for you, you may want to experiment and see if it helps.
Rather than re-write what I have written before, instead I will refer you to several articles and threads where knees issues are discussed:
1) Staring with this article on Yin Yoga for the Knees
2) Yin Yoga and strained knees
3) Knee pain
4) A Yin Yoga sequence for knee pain.
Finally, there are dozens of other threads on the Forum under the section Yin Yoga and Knees which may be interesting for you.
I hope this helps! Let us know how it goes.