inner knee pain in square pose

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inner knee pain in square pose

Post by carol »

Hi Bernie and fellow yinsters! Im looking for some answers in dealing with some discomfort in the inner knee in poses such as square and sukhasana. There is more sensation in the left knee esp. when the right knee is crossed in front. Perhaps this is arthritis (I'm 63) or straining the medial ligaments? Do you think strengthening the inner quads would help? I know you often recommend sitting in virasana with a rolled cloth or folded strap under the hamstrings. I do follow the mantra of if it hurts, don't do it but would like to heal this problem, it has crept up on me. I have never had any knee issues before despite years of running and yoga. Any suggestions are most welcome, thank you.

oops... Just found your newsletter about the inner going to try the dowel technique every day and see if anything shifts. I just did the sequence and think I feel a bit less tightness around the kneecaps.
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Post by Bernie »

Hi Carol

I would first suggest you get your knee checked out: what does your doctor say? It is better to know than to guess what is going on. The pain could come from a wide variety of things.

However, in general, strengthening all the muscles around the knee is a good idea, not just the quads (sometimes the quads can be too strong and pull the kneecap out of alignment, in which case the VMO needs strengthening...that is the vastus medialis obliquus.)

Running can take a toll on knees, and I too run (sprints) but also combine a nice yin stress to the knees right afterwards (per the newsletter article you refer to.) So, what I would suggest is 1) get it checked out and start with finding out what is causing the pain, based on that 2) strengthen the muscles all around the knee and 3) add some yin stresses there as well. Be alert-if things get worse, stop! Start back at step 1.

Good luck!
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Cycling good in this situation

Post by mannvishal »

Apparently its hard to find the right doctor. My doctor suggested bicycling to strengthen the knee and it increased the pain. Now i am totally left to yoga to strengthen it. I am following Bernie's advice here:

1. Are the knees joined together in this pose or left to go apart, like a W?
2. Is bicycling really bad for knees?
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Post by Bernie »

You asked two questions: let's take them in order

1) the knees will go where they need to go. Whether together or apart is dependent upon your hip structure, so don't force them to go where they are not happy. The intention is to feel a stress around the knees but not in the hips. And, of course, the stress should not be painful at all or so uncomfortable that you cannot stay in the pose. If that happens, sit up on more support and remove the dowling from the back of the knees.

2) Cycling can be great, for some people. Obviously, cycling is not great for you. You can try standing postures in Yoga (Chair, Warriors,...) and some resistance training at the gym. Start slow and work your way up to longer holds, more repetitions and higher weights.

Good luck!
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But why the dowel?

Post by mannvishal »

Thanks a ton for the reply.
One more insight from you would help in understanding the pose.
Why the dowel/towel & how does the dowel/towel improve upon the regular Virasana for knee specifically?
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Why use dowelling?

Post by Bernie »

"SAID" which is specific adaptation to imposed demands. All exercise involves stress. With the appropriate amount tissues become healthier. Too much, and they degenerate, but not enough, they atrophy. Just sitting on the heels may be enough stress in the knees to begin the healing process, but later you may need to increase the amount of stress. SAID shows us that we need to impose a demand (stress) to the knees. The dowelling does that. it increases the tension imposed. You can feel that it makes the pose "juicier"...but again, you don't want to overdo it.

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