Question abt dragon splits

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Question abt dragon splits

Post by Donna »

Hi Bernie, I have been working on dragon poses and moving around a little with foot placement, knee in/out etc... as I have posted in a previous question. As I have gone a little deeper, I have found that as I move closer to dragon splits with a block under my front thigh, I have a similar question regarding the hip of the rear stretched leg where the front of the hip is being stretched. I find that as I very slightly move or shift the legs/leg placement a little, it gets to a spot closer to the adductors that feels good for me. Any concerns here? As long as it feels good type thing. I am not absolutely sure it the the adductors or just a more medial part of the upper quads, but it feels like an area that needs to be set free near where I have been having to foam roll. Thanks for your help.

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The back leg in Dragon Splits

Post by Bernie »

If you are feeling it, then you are doing it! If you are feeling the stress of the pose in the more medial side of the thigh, closer to the adductors, then that is where the stress is happening. It is great that you are aware enough to know where you are feeling the posture. Now you can decide: do I want to feel it there? If so, stay! If not, move - find the spot where you do want to feel it.

Is it dangerous to feel it there? I wouldn't think so, unless the sensation becomes painful anywhere. Again, every body is different and where your back leg goes will be rather unique to your anatomical structure. Some students externally rotate the back leg in order to get low. Very few people have much extension in the back hip, so they have to go around the stopping point in the hip socket by externally rotating that leg. But, that's okay - it may prevent them from doing a deeper version of the splits (like bending the back knee and grabbing the foot in both hands ... you need to have the hips quite square to do that and if you externally rotate the hip, your hips will not be square enough to get there.)

If it is feeling safe, if you feel that you are getting value out of where you are at, stay and enjoy it!

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