2 minute yin...is that too short??

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2 minute yin...is that too short??

Post by ethanyogi »

hi everyone. I am needing some advice regarding two yoga classes I am teaching. The first is a 60 minute yin/yang ....which really is like 53-55 of yin/yang if you're gonna do a proper Savasana. Started two weeks ago...and the last two weeks I only got half way through the yin part with 3 minute holds. And I will be starting a 90 min yang/yin/nidra class next month. I will have about 30-35 minutes for yin. I also like to include reclining butterfly on a bolster.....technically a restorative posture, but I find it goes well in every class. If I did proper demonstrations and 2 minute holds, I would fit in about 7 postures..... I can only seem to do about 5 postures when I demonstrate it well with options and also some yang counterposes in between. How do people feel about 2 minute holds? would you feel "ripped off"? lol please advise
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Too short to be "yin"?

Post by Bernie »

Trying to fit 7 Yin Yoga postures into 30 minutes is rushing it. Remember - this is yin! Less is more here. Leave the "do lots and do it quickly" for your yang section of the class. If you really want to give people the benefit of Yin Yoga, let them marinate in their own juices for a while. 3 ~ 5 minutes per pose should be a good taste for them, and yes - this will mean that you can only do maybe 4 or even less poses. So what? It ain't a race - let them linger.

It is not that students would feel ripped off by only holding the poses for 2 minutes in a yin class, but rather that they won't get the full experience or benefit from those poses. There are several short sequences you could follow listed in the YouTube Channel and other ideas in the Flows section of YinSights.

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